Trips for electric bikes – E-bike

Discover the beauty of nature on two wheels with our e-bike cycling holidays. Explore scenic routes, quaint villages, and breathtaking landscapes at a comfortable pace.
E-bikes have a built-in electric motor that provides assistance as you pedal, making even the steepest hills a breeze.

E-bike holidays in Europe are becoming increasingly popular for those seeking adventure and sustainability. E-bikes, or electric bicycles, have revolutionized the world of cycling. They provide cyclists with an extra boost of power to tackle hills and headwinds, making the experience of cycling more enjoyable for riders of all ages and abilities. This has opened up new opportunities for cyclists to explore new places, tackle longer distances, and make cycling a more accessible mode of transportation.

E-bikes are particularly well-suited for cycling holidays. With the added power, riders can cover more ground each day and take on more challenging routes, without worrying about exhaustion. This allows cyclists to see more of the local area and experience new cultures and landscapes, making their cycling holiday a truly unique and memorable experience.

In addition to the practical benefits, e-bikes are also environmentally friendly. They emit no pollutants, and since the electric power is provided by a rechargeable battery, they do not rely on fossil fuels. E-bike cycling holidays are the ideal choice for those who want to enjoy their trip while reducing their carbon footprint.

Overall, e-bikes have revolutionized the world of cycling and opened up new opportunities for cyclists to explore and enjoy new places. With the added power, convenience, and environmental benefits, e-bikes are an excellent choice for anyone looking for an active and sustainable cycling holiday.

Contact us for more information and book one of our E-bike holidays in Europe, Italy or South Tyrol. Don’t wait to experience the ultimate cycling adventure so saddle up and go!

Leisure round tour at the food of UNESCO world heritage
Cycle around the Dolomites
819 €
Cycle around the Dolomites
Italy – Austria – Slovenia
Dolomites – Trieste
769 €
Dolomites – Trieste
Past a varied landscape to the most beautiful lakes
Carinthia lakes, e-bike or sporty cycling tour
789 €
Carinthia lakes, e-bike or sporty cycling tour
From the city of Mozart to the fishing village Grado
Alpe Adria, Salzburg – Grado WDR, with the e-bike through the Alps,
1196 €
Alpe Adria, Salzburg – Grado WDR, with the e-bike through the Alps,

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