

To comprehend, to marvel, to pause, and then to carry on. Expanding your horizons.

Authentic outdoor adventures

Fun, exploration, and movement

We organize authentic experiences for outdoor enthusiasts who engage in a leisurely exploration of the wonders the world and its inhabitants have to offer.

FunActive TOURS, Your active holiday experience

Embark on thrilling bike trips and trekking adventures across South Tyrol, Italy, and throughout Europe, all meticulously organized by seasoned professionals. The ideal choice for your active holiday.


26 Tour(s)

  • Trekking in the Friulian Dolomites and Three Peaks
Bicycle holidays

77 Tour(s)

  • Authentic Tuscany
Bicycle holidays
Cross-country skiing

4 Tour(s)

  • XC-Ski Holiday, Cortina – Sillian
Cross-country skiing

Where would you like to goon your journey?

Explore our holiday offers

Keep up to date with the latest news. Choose your favourite option and embark on your journey!